Saturday, April 14, 2018

Rail Trail Saturday

Finally a day warm enough for a bike ride on the rail trail. I abandoned the fence repair, the pansies needing to be planted and the lawn needing to be raked.

Howard tunnel, built in 1838

Rail station at Hanover Junction. Lincoln
 stopped here en route to Gettysburg

"Free Water. Have a blessed day"

Railway motor cars on the adjacent track.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


An astute reader will recognize the title of this blog as being the same as that of a classic Twilight Zone episode starring Burgess Meredith.  Henry Bemis is a meek, myopic bank teller who would really rather spend time with his books than interacting with anyone. One fateful day the atomic bomb drops and Mr. Bemis alone survives through the lucky coincidence that armageddon occurs during his lunch hour when he typically retires inside the bank vault to read in solitude.

After initially reacting in shock and despair, slowly it dawns on Mr. Bemis that this presents a rare opportunity - finally he can spend all of his time with his friends Mr. Chaucer, Mr. Twain, Mr. Shakespeare.  No longer will the demands of work come between him and his pastime.  No longer will his wife complain about having to compete with "that doggerel."  He has time enough at last - to read.

Of course it wouldn't be the Twilight Zone without irony, and just as Henry bends down to pick up the first book of his new life, his glasses slip off his face and shatter.  Where just before he was starting off on a life of happy solitude, he is now left to confront his loneliness.

As I start down the road of retired life, I feel like the happy, optimistic Henry Bemis.  I have time enough at last to travel. Time enough to spend the morning baking bread. Time enough to read. But I'm aware that plans often go awry. Will my health hold up? Will my money last? Will my (metaphorical) glasses stay on my face?

This blog will chronicle both the hopeful side and the unexpected side of having Time Enough At Last.  I'll be posting travelogues, thoughts on food, observations about being retired for the long run.  And pictures of the dog.  Lots of pictures of the dog.

I think it will be a fun journey.  And just so it's clear - I always pack a spare pair of glasses when I travel.